
Active Regions
Eolus’ current activity is heavily focused on the South-Western US, most actively engaged in projects in California, Nevada and Arizona. On the map to the right, you can see the location and type of projects that are in active development or screening. Eolus is growing rapidly with more than 2,200 MW of utility-scale solar plus storage and wind, and over 180 MW of stand-alone battery energy storage system under development and construction throughout the Western United States. See below for more information on each project.
Completed Projects
Wind Wall 1
This project is located in the windy Tehachapi Pass of the California Tehachapi Mountains. As a repower project, the previously installed 400+ old turbines with an installed capacity of approximately 36 MW were replaced with 13 new modern turbines with an installed capacity of 46.5 MW. The Wind Wall 1 project generates about 3 times the energy of the original Legacy Wind Wall Project on an annual basis.